What is Transformational Coaching?

What’s your goal?

What are you working towards?

What do you want to achieve?

Are you getting the results you want?


The Transformational Coaching Programme – What’s your goal?

Everyone has goals. Some of those goals are daily goals (‘I want to wash the kitchen floor today’), others are life aims (‘I want to be a teacher’), and most others are somewhere in between (‘I want to go to Australia this year’ or ‘I want to learn to drive’ or ‘I want to get a new job’ or ‘I want to lose weight’).

All of those goals, have things in common; what you want, why you want it, how you’re going to do it. As well as other areas and details too. Sometimes we have the answers to those questions and it goes exactly as we envisage it, other times, whether we have the answers to those questions or not, we just don’t get the results we want, are aiming for or believe we have the potential to achieve.

What is stopping you from achieving that goal?

When we have a goal, and a specific result in mind, but are either not working towards it or not achieving it as we would like, then something is blocking us from that, and that is often conflict.

Internal conflicts are a normal part of being a human being, yet something that can make achieving goals much harder than it would be without them.  This coaching programme is very astute, in that part of the work we do is to identify, and then work with, any of the hidden conflicts that you’re experiencing that are stopping you achieving your goal.

How does the Transformational Coaching Programme work?

This transformational coaching programme takes you on a unique journey, where you get the opportunity to experience all of the most effective ways of working that were created by the creator of BWRT®. Using those methods in a dynamic and flexible way you are provided with the tools and insight, along with the support of myself, to learn hugely about yourself and how you work, to feel empowered about your current situation and to have all the information and processes to focus on that goal


What areas do you want to change? What is your goal? Is it any of the following?

  • Life Goals
  • Lifestyle Change (in or out the home)
  • Weight Management
  • Changing Job
  • Changing Career
  • Career Progression
  • Management Issues
  • Starting a Business
  • Getting Fit
  • Enhancing Performance
  • Resolving Relationship Issues (be them between colleagues, superiors, friends, partners, or with your parent or child).


stepping stones to transfomation
Transformational Coaching - Because your journey is unique.

If your goal isn’t any of those, but you still want coaching to achieve whatever your goal is, then do get in touch. That list is not exhaustive, it just covers many of the common goals people have.


The Transformational Coaching Programme – a flexible solution.

The Transformational Coaching programme is incredibly flexible in how it is run. This means it can be facilitated over weekly, 50 minute sessions, however, it can also be incredibly beneficial to work in larger sessions of time, such as double sessions (1 hour 40 minutes), a half day (3 hours), or even a whole day (7 hours; 6 hours with an hours break). Working in larger chunks and longer sessions can get a deeper and more effective result faster. Additionally, as this program is so flexible and complete, this can work on an individual basis, within group dynamics, in businesses, and at corporate level.

If you are looking to achieve any one of these goals (or more), and are not getting the results you want, then the BWRT® Transformational Coaching programme could be exactly what you are looking for to make that change!


Book your appointment today!